Summary 07 | Swan Hill North Primary School and SD Al Fath Cirendeu (2019)
Partner school: Swan Hill North Primary School, Victoria, Australia and SD Al Fath Cirendeu, Banten, Indonesia.
Swan Hill North Primary School, Victoria and SD Al Fath Cirendeu, Banten established a partnership in 2019 through the Australia-Indonesia BRIDGE School Partnership Program.
July 2019
Reciprocal school visit: Australian teachers visited Al Fath Cirendeu and Indonesian teachers visited Swan Hill North Primary School for the PLP program.
November 2019
Cooking videos: Grade 5 Australian students created cooking instructional videos of how to make ‘Honey Joys’. This was then watched by Indonesian students and a video was returned showing Indonesian students making and enjoying Australian Honey Joys. A video was then returned of how to make the Indonesian dessert Bubur Sum Sum.
December 2019
Congratulation messages: Indonesian students sent a message of congratulations to be played at the SHNPS Grade 6 graduation.
February 2020
Self-introduction letters: Letters were sent from Australia to Indonesia where Swan Hill’s student introduce themselves using Bahasa.
July 2020
Congratulation messages: Australian students sent a message of congratulations to be played at the Grade 6 students graduation ceremony.
August 2020
Live Zoom chat with the focus: Australian food. Indonesian students zoomed in from their homes during remote learning, to the Swan Hill North Primary School library with the students who were attending school for ‘Supervision Days’ and students from both countries shared information about traditional foods and were able to participate in a Question and Answer session.
December 2020
Congratulation messages: Indonesian students sent a message of congratulations to be played at the SHNPS Grade 6 graduation.
July 2021
Congratulation messages: Australian students sent a message of congratulations to be played at the Grade 6 students graduation ceremony.
July - December 2021
Video exchanges: Students in Grade 4 are creating instructional videos of how to play traditional games. This is being done at school in Australia and is taking much longer than anticipated due to several lockdowns and remote learning phases. Students are still in remote learning in Indonesia therefore – this is being postponed till appropriate.
November 2021
Competitive Grant Support Recipient (2021-2022)
The schools used the grant to procurement IT facilities to enable collaboration, Procurement of IT facilities to enable collaboration between the schools during the pandemic.
February 2022
Traditional dance: Students from both schools directed, filmed and shared a traditional dance documentary, which was exchange at SD Al Fath and Swan Hill North Primary School.
November 2023
Lighthouse Partnership Program grant recipient teachers visits: The lighthouse Partnership Program grant supported professional development for INA teachers and Bahasa Indonesia professional development for Australian teachers.
November 2024
Two teachers from SD Al Fath, Banten, visited Swan Hill North Primary School in rural Victoria, as part of the Lighthouse Partnership Program from 16 to 24 November 2024. During their visit, they led a variety of educational and cultural activities for Swan Hill North Primary School students, including sessions on creating traditional mosaic clothing designs, preparing traditional dishes, designing batik fabric with sequins, and teaching traditional games.