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Summary 08 | Our Lady Star of the Sea Catholic Primary School and MI Karakter Mutiara Bunda Bali (2021)

Partner school: Our Lady Star of the Sea Catholic Primary School, Victoria, Australia and Madrasah Ibtidaiyah (MI) Karakter Mutiara Bunda Bali, Bali, Indonesia.

Our Lady Star of the Sea Catholic Primary School (P-6) is situated within Holy Trinity Parish, Queenscliff, Victoria. TThe school began teaching Indonesian four years ago. After 2020/COVID, they were looking for ways to boost students’ motivation and connection to Indonesian and in 2021 were parted with MI Karakter Mutiara Bunda Bali.


MI Karakter Mutiara Bunda Bali is a school that was founded in 2018 which had a vision of shaping the nation's character by adopting a learning curriculum from the Indonesia Heritage Foundation (IHF) Depok with the hope that students at this school have good characters who will later become the nation's virtuous successors. 

August 2021

Applied to the BRIDGE program: MI Karakter Mutiara Bunda Bali and Our Lady Star of the Sea Primary School, Ocean Grove underwent a competitive (online) school selection and were successful. 

September - November 2021

Professional Learning Program: The partnership between MI Karakter Mutiara Bunda Bali and Our Lady Star of the Sea Primary School, Ocean Grove was formally established at BRIDGE Professional Learning Program activities, which was delivered online in 


Partnership activities during the program: The MI Karakter Bunda Bali introduced Balinese dance and chicken dance represented by students to their Australian peers. They also carried out video sharing activities for school tours. 


Alumni Educator Workshop: 3 educators from the school attended BRIDGE Educator Workshop on “Developing Cyber Safety Pedagogy and Partnerships.” 

March 2022

Video sharing: Activities started strong after the new school year and entering a new semester, where several Zoom meetings were conducted to discuss partnership plans and establish closer relationships. Both schools made a video together about the daily life of the in the schools. Students asked each other what they wanted to know about Indonesian students and vice versa. 

April 2022

Alumni Educator Workshop: 3 educators from the Indonesian school attended BRIDGE Educator Workshop on “Supporting Schools to Avoid and Mitigate Learning Loss Post-Pandemic” 

May 2022

Alumni Educator Workshop: one Indonesian BRIDGE educator joined BRIDGE Educator Workshop on “Improving Educator’s Professional Writing Skills” 

July 2022

Zoom Q&A: the partnership held a meeting on Zoom to provide feedback regarding the daily activities and Q&A videos that had been previously made. 

August 2023

Grant application preparation: Conducted several zoom meetings with Our Lady Star of the Sea Primary School for preparing the registration for the Competitive Grant Program (CGS). 

September 2023

Competitive Grant Program Recipient (2023): MI Karakter Mutiara Bunda Bali and Our Lady Star of the Sea Primary School selected as recipient for Competitive Grant Program (CGS). 

February 2024

Australian teachers delivered professional learning in Indonesia: Teachers from Our Lady Star of the Sea Primary School Victoria visited MI Karakter Mutiara Bunda Bali for delivering professional development in inclusive teaching strategies and fostering global collaboration.  

March 2024

Alumni Educator Workshop in Bali: 3 teachers and 1 headmaster attended an Educator Workshop on GEDSI with other BRIDGE school teachers in Bali Province. According to the principal and teachers, this educator workshop is beneficial for them in conducting inclusive education and in gaining new knowledge about gender equality. As a follow-up activity to the GEDSI workshop, MI Karakter Mutiara Bunda developed small strategies to promote GEDSI in their internal school and conducted activities to integrate it into their school program.

May 2, 2024

High-level visit by Australia's Consul-General in Bali, Jo Stevens, on Indonesia's National Education Day with Engaging a bilingual English-Indonesian book reading activity: 'The Culinary Adventures of Zoe in Indonesia’.  

Future Collaboration Plans 

Discussions related to personalized lesson plans tailored for inclusive students. 


Developing the school strategic plans, including the buddy system.

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