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Camden Haven High School and SMPN 16 Singkawang (2015)

Partner school: Camden Haven High School, New South Wales, Australia, and SMP Negeri 16 Singkawang, West Kalimantan, Indonesia

Camden Haven High School in New South Wales, Australia, and SMP Negeri 16 Singkawang in West Kalimantan, Indonesia, have been partners in the Australia-Asia BRIDGE School Partnerships Project since 2015. This collaboration involves cultural exchanges, including traditional dance learning and visits to orangutan rehabilitation centers. Both schools organized Literacy Tours to D.I. Yogyakarta and Semarang, enabling students to interact with learning resources and create an anthology book to bridge cultures. Their commitment to fostering intercultural understanding and international cooperation has earned them Lighthouse status.

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August 16, 2017

International visit: Students and teachers from Camden Haven High School visited their sister school, SMP Negeri 16 Singkawang, where they engaged in language practice, traditional dancing, and a visit to an orangutan rehabilitation center.

February 25, 2020

Grant recipient: The first Lighthouse BRIDGE School Partnership between Camden Haven High School and SMPN 16 Singkawang was celebrated in Port Macquarie, New South Wales. The event acknowledged continuous efforts to foster people-to-people links between Australia and Indonesia since 2015.

December 15, 2022

Robotics workshop: The collaboration between SMPN 16 Singkawang and Camden Haven High School under the BRIDGE School Partnership Program was broadened. STEM education activities, including a mini robotics workshop led by educators from Camden Haven High School in Singkawang, were introduced.

January 17, 2024

Grant recipient: SMPN 16 Singkawang and Camden Haven High School were recognized as the BRIDGE Honorary LPP Awardee in 2023. The Literacy Tours to D.I. Yogyakarta and Semarang were highlighted, aimed at expanding students' learning experiences and fostering cultural understanding through the creation of an anthology book.

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2015 BRIDGE Partnerships

Australian Schools
States and Territories
Indonesian Schools
Hastings Public School
New South Wales
SDN 060841 Medan Petisah
North Sumatra
Port Elliot Primary School
South Australia
SDN 060843 Medan Barat
North Sumatra
Port Lincoln Junior Primary School
South Australia
SDN Pancasila Lembang
West Java
New Town Primary School
SD Panca Setya 1 Sintang
West Kalimantan
Sandringham College
SMAN 1 Kebumen
Central Java
Dominic College
SMPN 5 Grobogan
Central Java
Launceston Church Grammar School
SDN Percobaan 2 Yogyakarta
Special Region Yogyakarta
Tyabb Railway Station Primary School
SDN 7 Sintang
West Kalimantan
Dapto Public School
New South Wales
SDN Bantul Timur
Special Region Yogyakarta
St Mary's Primary School - Young
New South Wales
SDS Suluh Harapan Sintang
West Kalimantan
Kennedy Baptist College
Western Australia
SMPN 1 Bonorowo
Central Java
Cleveland District State High School
SMPN 3 Slogohimo
Central Java
Burnside State High School
SMPN 4 Pancur Batu
North Sumatra
Manilla Central School
New South Wales
SMAN 5 Semarang
Central Java
Rosebud Secondary College
SMAN 1 Boyolali
Central Java
St Mary's College - Seymour
SMPN 20 Singkawang
West Kalimantan
Somerville Secondary College
SMAN 1 Kudus
Central Java
Camden Haven High School
New South Wales
SMPN 16 Singkawang
West Kalimantan
Garran Primary School
Australian Captial Territory
SDN Wonosari Baru Gunungkidul
Special Region Yogyakarta
Waniora Public School
New South Wales
SDN Keputran 2
Special Region Yogyakarta

The BRIDGE School Partnerships Program is supported by the Australian Government Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT), and the Australia Indonesia Institute and implemented by the Asia Education Foundation, Asialink at the University of Melbourne.

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